Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Why is it when people convert to Islam?

The convert to a culture as well, like they'll try to become Arab or Pakistani. It's weird, I mean especially when europeans do that. Like there are already European Muslims (bosnian, chechen, italian) ant they don't become pakistani or w.e, they still stay the same, so wth :/ it's kinda sad.

What is better playing in a small team in Europe in a 2nd tier league or playing in a "big team" in Mexico?

i say ochoa has nothing to lose he wanted to go to europe theres his shot and as for pedroza i think he is gonna stay in the bench the whole season

How hard is it to learn Serbian?

I really want to learn Serbian, so I wonder how hard it actually is. My mother tongue is Spanish, my English is just shy of the native level, my French is very advanced and I can also speak a fair amount of Italian. So basically that is my language experience, and besides that, I have a big interest in learning Serbian. So, tell me, how hard is it? cheers

Can my children travel abroad on my italian passports?

i am going on holiday to tenerife and have my children on my italian passport my daughter is 4 and son is nine i travel last year to spain in october with no problems just wondering if any one no any reason why i would be a problem now thank you

I want highlights but I don't know what color highlights I want.?

If you have dark brown hair try to get an auburn color highlights mixed with chestnut color or even a lighter shade of dark brown

Is eternal torment of the wicked compatible with God’s personality?

Hell, and heaven for that matter, are constructs. The Zoroastrians thought of them before the Christians, and the Christian version of hell is a mixture of Zoroastrianism, and Dante's Inferno. It's all imaginary.

Do moshi monsters speak italian?

What are you talking about? Moshi monsters aren't real. They're just like untrained Furbies. They don't speak any languages.